Havilah Legal is offering a special rate for wills.
$499 – One Simple will
$825 – Two Simple (‘mirror’) wills for partners
$999 – Two simple mirror wills + two Enduring Powers of Attorney – for all four documents
$1250 – One Complex will (with tax effective trust)
$1750 – Two Complex mirror wills (with tax effective trust)
$1999 – Two Complex mirror wills (with tax effective trust) + two Enduring Powers of Attorney – for all 4 documents
A properly-drafted and valid will is essential for ensuring that your assets go to the people you want to give them to. Many people are reluctant to have their wills drawn up professionally by lawyers because they think that it will be difficult or expensive. Unfortunately, a badly-worded will, poor estate planning, or failure to make a valid will at all can leave your intended beneficiaries far worse off than they would have been had you left a well-drafted, professionally-prepared will.
Havilah Legal has long been working to make the process of drawing up a will simpler and easier, so that we can make our services available to more clients and keep costs down. We have recently taken a great stride forward by investing in a technologically advanced and user-friendly system that will drastically change the way we draw up legal documents for our clients.
With the help of this new technology, we are able to provide legal documents at a lower cost to you, without any compromise on quality. Even for complex wills, we will be able to offer you a fixed price before we start, so you don’t need to worry about whether it’s turning out to be more work than you thought it would be.
To take up our special offer, or to discuss wills, estate planning, or any other legal matter, please do not hesitate to contact Havilah Legal on (08) 9221 2339, or book an appointment online at https://contact.havilahlegal.com.au/.
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