Rely on Havilah Legal’s Experienced Divorce Lawyers
With extensive experience in all matters of divorce and separation law, our Perth divorce lawyers can guide you through every step of the divorce and separation process.
Understanding the Requirements for Divorce
For the Family Court of Western Australia (“the Court”) to grant a divorce, there are certain requirements that must be met, including that:
- Your marriage has broken down irretrievably;
- You and your spouse have been living separately and apart for at least 12 months (if you have been separated but still living under the same roof, additional requirements may apply);
- Reasonable arrangements have been made for the care of any children under 18 years of age;
- You have been married for at least 2 years or alternatively you have attended counselling; and
- You meet the jurisdictional connection with the law in Australia.
The Court will not consider other matters which may also be generally relevant to your separation including; parenting arrangements; property settlement; spousal maintenance; child support or other related issues. These are the matters which have to be dealt with by the Court separately.
If there are children under 18 years of age, the Court will want to know about the arrangements you and your spouse have made for your children. Questions regarding the proposed arrangement for children are covered in the Application for Divorce.
How Havilah Legal Can Help
Havilah Legal can assist parties with the preparation of the Applications for Divorce, including representation in Court.
Find out More
For assistance and advice relating to Separation & Divorce, please contact our Family Lawyers today.
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